Webpages About Art theft, Trademarks, and Intellectual Property
Here are four websites that can help you learn the differences between copyright, trademark, and patent. I also feel these websites provide current examples and definitions that can help people understand exactly what they are learning about. Name: Artsy Website: www.artsy.net What: entire website Why: I feel this resource would be a benefit because it keeps up to date with all the current legal action regarding copyright infringement and theft of art. I selected it because it was current cases that were dealing with current brand names and well-known artist that make their cases relevant to the world today. It also gives the in-depth reason why something can be considered infringement or theft. I also felt like the information would be interesting and could help people new to the issue to understand better what infringement and theft means in the art world. Name: Secure Your Trademark Website: https://secureyourtrademark.com/blog/71-notorious-patent-trademark-...